Sunday 1 December 2013

Term test 2

This test caught me off guard. It was focused on work I had done before however I had been so worried about covering everything that I missed that I didn't review the things I had covered weeks ago. This left me incredibly frustrated during the exam as I knew I had the solution locked in my head somewhere. My main issue was holding onto and updating the value of a variable inside a recursive function after every recursive step without resting the variables value. This now means I have allot of material to cover before the final exam so that I can pass the course.

BST and Assignment 2

For some odd reason i enjoy BSTs the most so far in this course. It becomes easier to visualize recursive steps (sortof) when I imagine peculating down a tree. Traversal seems somewhat easy however I don't want to get blind sided. The recent exercises especially the last two were fun to work on however with assignment 2 looks like its going to be a challenge. Parsing the regexs and converting them into trees wasn't so hard however I realized I was using too many if and and statements to try and handle all cases without using the tree itself that I had created to answer the question. I frankly realized a little too short on time that it would have been easier that way but at least I finished most of it.

Assignment 1

I have struggled with the first assignment as I left it to the last few days. It seems allot harder then I expected it to be, I was only able to complete the first half of it. There was too much to grasp in such a short time. I should have worked with a partner to share the load.

Midterm 1 & Recursion

Midterm 1

Preparing for the midterm was a bit difficult. The questions were focused on few specific areas however since I missed allot of classes I could not be sure what the professor would focus on. I covered all the exercises and lab work done prior. I  Covered recursion as thoroughly as I could. 

I find recursion is widely used one way or another in programming, its a smart way to break down a problem into many small steps however with very little code. To be honest I never expected when I first started programming that a function could call itself within its own definition. I think that by far was the most difficult concept to grasp.

Friday 22 November 2013

Reposting my slogs

Due to human error I have lost a few of my previous posts. I will be reposing what I remember covering. Namely the post for the last 2 exercises as well as my discussions on the midterms and first two labs. I need to double check the due date for SLOGs.

Saturday 19 October 2013

First SLOG

SO I to cover the last few weeks we studied mostly recursion and ADTs. I find recursion difficult and hope the professor spends more time on it. The work for assignment 1 was not to difficult however I feel that in the assignment sheet itself it should have explained more clearly what he wanted us to do as it got a bit confusing for me. I managed to complete the main methods myself but wasnt able to finish entirely.

Currently I am going over recursion again since it hasnt settled in my head properly. During the midterm he asked us to determine the results of F(x) of a recursive function and I found it difficult the more recursion got involve to process. Thats all I have to say right now!